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Showing posts from April, 2015

Whats new in Visual Studio 2015

Single sign-in You, like many other developers today, take advantage of multiple cloud services when developing your applications. For example, you've probably added a cloud backend to your applications to store data, stored your source code in the cloud, or published an application to a store. In the past, each of these services required a separate sign-in process, and each service managed the signed-in user state separately. With this release, reducing the authentication prompts required to access many integrated cloud services in Visual Studio. Now, when you authenticate to the first cloud service in Visual Studio, will automatically sign you in, or reduce the authentication prompts for other integrated cloud services. CodeLens In CTP 6, you can now see the history of your C++, SQL, or JavaScript files versioned in Git repositories by using CodeLens file-level indicators. Code Maps When you want to understand specific dependencies in your code, visualize them by cr


ASP.NET 5 has been largely rewritten from the ground up, and incorporates some radical changes when compared with previous versions of ASP.NET. One of the biggest changes is in the HTTP Pipeline. This article looks at how those changes impact the design and registration of plug and play components that used to be represented by HttpModules. full blog